Dan Pallotta is an expert in nonprofit sector innovation and a pioneering social entrepreneur. He is the founder of Pallotta TeamWorks, which invented the multi-day AIDSRides and Breast Cancer 3-Days. He is the president of Springboard and the author of Uncharitable: How Restraints on Nonprofits Undermine Their Potential.
He is an inspiring presenter who is working to revolutionize the social sector by changing perception on how nonprofits should operate and the expectations that we as donors and funders have in those missions.
I encourage everyone to read the book Uncharitable and check out the presentation here. It is up for another week. When you watch it, start the video at 23 minutes to skip to his presentation.
Some of my favorite points he made:
- There are two rule books: one for charity and one for the rest of the economic world.
- We expect the nonprofit sector to rectify the results of a capitalist system but with using the tools of capitalism.
- We have made a market around overhead. As funders we ask the question, and as nonprofits we present them and stand behind them, even if the itemizing is subjective.
- Of the three major charity rating organanizations, Charity Navigator, Better Business Bureau and American Instute of Philanthropy...they rate 7700 charities and cummulatively have 28 staff members.
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